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Operation Control of Photovoltaic Power Plants in Smart Grids

*Emil Dvorsky
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia

Lenka Rakova
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia

Pavla Hejtmankova
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia

Vladislav Sitar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem

     Last modified: 2022-05-23

The future planned development of decentralized electricity generation may have a negative impact on the operation and management of the electricity system. Above all, problems can be expected with maintaining voltage and frequency stability in island microgrids, where the only sources of electricity will be photovoltaic power plants. With the growing consumption of electricity and the growing demand for the quality of the supplied electricity, there is a need to regulate these renewable energy sources more appropriately. One of the possibilities could be the primary and secondary regulation of voltage and frequency using the so-called virtual frequency and voltage method. The main aim of this article is to analyze and compare the current regulators of the voltage inverters of the photovoltaic power plants with the proposed inverter regulator enabling primary and secondary regulation. The functionality of the solved control circuits of inverters is assessed on the basis of the results of the simulations of the small island microgrid with a symmetrical and asymmetrical load in the MATLAB Simulink software.


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