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Smart battery as elementary asset of virtual power plant – data from pilot operation

Michal Chudy
Institute of Power and Applied Electrical Engineering, FEI STU, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Peter Laurinec

     Last modified: 2022-06-22

Virtual power plants (VPP) are a new and innovative concept of smart grid aggregation. As this concept is a strong candidate to be applied on a wide scale in the near future, this paper presents real data and functionalities of an operational smart battery, which is ready to be aggregated to VPP. This battery is installed at a single node of a power grid, and it is coupled together with solar photovoltaic (PV) production and real industrial customer - a factory. This kind of set-up is considered to be a basic behind the meter element aggregated in a VPP used for flexibility. This kind of smart system is legally in full control of the power consumer; however, this control can be delegated to an aggregator. The system can work as part of VPP, but also as a standalone system, which is the case presented in this paper. Nevertheless, in both cases they have capabilities of improving resiliency and stability of the power grid and contribute to energy sector decarbonization by providing carbon free flexibility. This paper brings data from a real operation of such a system and shows advantages of intelligent control of energy assets.


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